Armed And Dangerous Game

Review : Armed & Dangerous - a computer game in the genre of a third-person shooter with elements of humor developed by Planet Moon Studios and published by LucasArts in 2003. In Russia it was not officially published but was unofficially localized by Fargus Multimedia. Gameplay Armed And Dangerous Game: The gameplay is interesting enough but the lack of some missions is that they are repeated (monotonous repetition of the same idea many times). Every few levels you will also have to blast massive waves of enemies with a protective turret but again sometimes these levels are a serious drawback of the game. More From Armed And Dangerous Game: Armed & Dangerous can boast that everything is collapsing. Detailed graphics with animation sensitivity more fully shows this. Also humorous voices behind the scenes support the style of comedy and rattling sound effects are more powerful in the game. The game can boast of unusualness such as the soundtrack with...